
Help! My Head Gasket Has Blown!


Cars often bring great joy to their owners. The thrill of the open road, the excitement of driving along a scenic coastline, and the pleasure of singing along to your favourite tunes while driving down the motorway, are moments we all enjoy. But, cars can also be a major pain the neck…and the wallet. One of the most serious problems is a blown head gasket.

Why is a Blown Head Gasket So Serious?

The head gasket seals the cylinder head to the engine block and also allows coolant to leak into the cylinders and causes compression loss. A blown head gasket will cause:

* A severe decrease in power due to a loss of compression.

* A loss of coolant which will cause overheating.

* Coolant leaking into cylinders or the crankcase which would dilute the oil and
cause more engine wear.

There are three main reasons why a blown head gasket is a serious issue:

* It is expensive to replace.

* It may have been caused by some other engine problem.

* Additional repairs and expense may be needed to completely fix the motor.

What Should You Do When Your Head Gasket Fails?

Your first thought will be to take it to your mechanic and get it fixed. However, you now know that it will be costly to repair and may require additional repairs at an even great expense. Considering the cost of this, it is advisable to think about replacing your car instead of your head gasket. A new head gasket may only delay the inevitable deterioration of your car. If the automobile is older, the cost of repairing the blown head gasket may be greater than the book value of the car. Unless you love your car and can’t bear the thought of parting with it, buying a shiny new model may be the right choice.

BMW 5 Series Turbo Problems

The BMW series 5 has been in production for nearly forty years now and is BMW’s second highest selling car model after their 3 series. Despite the fact that is second to the series 3, it actually represents 50% of the company’s sales. This is because of the high quality parts and efficiency of the series 5. The Series 5 Turbo, however, can experience mechanical issues over time which can cause major financial problems for an owner.


To know what might cause turbo failure, you should first know what a turbo is and how it works. A turbo or turbocharger is a compressor that helps increase the pressure of the air going into the engine, thus increasing the performance of the car overall. They work using a turbine that is powered by the engine’s exhaust. It is important to know that a turbo is not necessary for a car to run, but is extremely useful for its performance.

A turbo is subject to high stress due to the nature of its operations and turbos can fail for various reasons like: cold weather, excessive RPMs, lack of engine use, and a buildup of rust. It is very rare though, that a turbo charger would fail all at once. A turbo charger will show clear signs that it is beginning to degrade, such as: increased exhaust smoke, a burning oil smell, lower boost power (if you have a boost gauge installed) or lower overall RPMs and power. If you are keen to observing your car’s health, you will notice these signs and can take actions to fix your turbo before it fails.

Fixing a turbo is usually something a handy person will not be able to do alone. However, it is possible to diagnose the problem of the turbo by checking its parts individually for failures. The most common problem you will find with a turbocharger is rust build up. Sometimes it is possible to clean away the rust with any kind of rust remover. The best course of action is to take it to the dealership to get it fixed by a trained mechanic.

The BMW Series 5 is renowned for its amazing performance and power and the turbo is an integral part in the BMW’s performance. If your turbo is failing your car will still run, but at very much reduced power and efficiency. You should check up on your car’s turbo monthly to make sure no rust and wear is building up on the turbo. In the situation where your turbo has failed, take it to a trained mechanic be be aware that the costs for repair will be pretty steep.