Save over £1000 a Year on Your Vehicle [Infographic]

Costs of everyday items are rising and with the average cost of a vehicle in 12 months alone being £3,800 we give you some top tips on how to reduce these motoring costs – allowing you to pocket some cash! We show you how to save up to £1,000 a year by reducing your fuel costs, driving economically, shopping around for breakdown cover and considering the Tax & Insurance implications when looking for a new vehicle.

Save Money on Your Vehicle

Used Car Sales Statistics [Infographic]

The car market has been up and down lately – with increases in new cars year on year. Used cars are by far the most cost effective solution to owning a vehicle nowadays, with Ford’s being the most popular used car to own by far in the UK – over 200,000 used cars sold in the last quarter on 2013. Our infographic below shows some of the best statistics from the used car market.

Used Car Sales Statisics

New car technologies in the pipeline that you thought only existed in sci-fi

New car technologies in the pipeline that you thought only existed in sci-fi

If you thought that ‘intelligent’ cars that make their own decisions and act of their own accord were things of the far distant future, only made real by sci-fi films then think again. These technologies could be a lot closer to reality then you ever dreamt they were!

Here are five of the most mind-blowing technologies that you could see in brand new vehicles in the not so distant future.

Cars that ‘talk’ to each other

Many car manufacturers are putting a lot of effort into researching technologies that will enable vehicles to communicate with other vehicles and objects around them in order to avoid accidents. Vehicles would be able to communicate their location, speed and direction to other vehicles in the vicinity so that even if you don’t spot another vehicle your car will be able to take evasive action to prevent a collision. As well as potentially being able to communicate with other vehicles, the technologies in question would also be able to receive information from road signs and traffic signals.

Augmented reality dashboards

Imagine if your car’s dashboard was able to tell you information about everything that you are seeing on the road. Perhaps your car would sense that you were too close to the vehicle in front and flash up a warning, or advise you on which lane you need to move into, all without you ever having to take your eyes off the road in front of you. Sounds too good to be true? Well you may not have to wait too long for this technology as many manufacturers including BMW are already working on making it a reality.

Drift control

Did you know that the biggest cause of motoring accidents is people nodding off at the wheel or having a momentary lapse in concentration? Well there is technology in the pipeline that when installed in a vehicle will warn the driver and correct the vehicle’s path if the vehicle begins to drift out of its lane. This technology would work by using sophisticated camera systems to read road markings and could also monitor the driver’s heartbeat to determine how awake or drowsy they are at any given time.

Solar panelled vehicle body panels

In the future cars may be able to produce some of their own energy using solar panelled body parts. The vehicle’s roof and side panels would be equipped with solar panels to produce energy efficient hybrid cars.

Self-driving cars

Self-driving cars may sound pretty far out there, but engineers from Google have already test-driven cars that are capable of driving themselves. Self-drive cars use a combination of lasers, cameras and radars in order to read road signs and traffic lights whilst communicating with and receiving information from other vehicles and objects on the road.

It’s amazing how quickly technology advances these days and many people believe we could see self-driving cars on the road within the next decade with many of these other technologies appearing even sooner.

In the event of a breakdown – Part 2

In the event of a breakdown – Part 1
Breaking down on the motorway is very dangerous and can be a scary experience, so it’s important that you know prior to it actually happening what the safest way to handle such an event is.

Breaking down on the motorway can be dangerous not only for you, but for other road users too, so it’s your responsibility to make sure that you know how to react safely.

Warn other road users

If you find your vehicle slowing down rapidly then you should try to warn other road users by switching on your hazard lights straight away.

Safely move onto the hard shoulder

You then need to steer your vehicle onto the hard shoulder of the motorway as soon as it is safe to do so. Remember though that the hard shoulder of the motorway should only be used in an absolute emergency.

Park safely and get passengers out

Stop your car as far to the left on the hard shoulder as is possible and turn the steering wheel to the left so that your car’s wheels are turned towards the verge. Any passengers in your vehicle should exit the vehicle using the doors on the left hand side; any animals should be left inside the vehicle. If you have warm, waterproof or reflective clothing in the car then these should be worn and passengers should wait for help behind the motorway barrier if there is one, or up the embankment, as far away from the carriageway as possible.

Call for help

Even if you think you can repair your vehicle yourself you should not attempt to do so on the motorway. Once you’re outside of the vehicle and in a safe location you should use your mobile phone to call the company that you have your breakdown cover with to come and help you.

If you don’t have a mobile phone or if it is out of battery or doesn’t have signal then you will need to walk to the nearest emergency breakdown phone. You will be able to see arrows on posts on the hard shoulder follow these arrows to find your nearest free emergency telephone.

If you can’t get to the hard shoulder

If your car stops moving very suddenly and you find yourself broken down in the middle of the motorway then it’s very important to remember not to get out of your vehicle. With cars moving at such high speeds it is important to stay inside your vehicle and call the emergency services if you have a mobile phone with you. Don’t attempt to cross the motorway or move your vehicle.

In the event of a breakdown – Part 1

If your car is going to break down you can almost guarantee that it will choose a time that is not only unexpected but also extremely inconvenient for you.

So don’t let your vehicle catch you out! Make sure that you are always prepared for an emergency breakdown when you’re out on the road.In the event of a breakdown - Part 1

What to keep in your car

It doesn’t matter whether your car decides to pack in whilst you’re running your day-to-day errands or during a long and arduous road trip – either way it is still an extremely stressful experience. Make things as easy as possible for yourself by taking a few precautions to ensure that you’re always prepared for the worst when you’re out and about on the road!

Here is a list of items you should ensure you always have to hand in your car in case of an emergency.

  • Road map

You may have sat nav on your phone but what if your phone is broken, lost, out of battery or signal? It’s essential that you always keep a road map in your vehicle for these times!

  • Coins or phone card

If your mobile phone fails you in your time of need (as they have a habit of doing) then depending on where it is that you break down you may need some coins to call for help from a payphone.

  • The details and telephone number for your emergency breakdown company
  • Practical, warm, waterproof clothing

You never know when or where you’re going to break down. The last thing you want is to end up stranded on the coldest day of the year in inappropriate clothing. This is why it’s a great idea to keep warm and waterproof clothing/blankets in the car in case of such an emergency.

  • A fully charged mobile phone and an in-car charger
  • Red warning triangle

If you’re going on a particularly long trip then it is also advisable to pack food and water just in case you break down and are left waiting for assistance.

Keeping all of the above items in your vehicle will not only give you peace of mind, it’ll also soften the blow of falling victim to a broken down vehicle and make a difficult and stressful situation just that little bit easier to bear.

Part 2 Coming soon!

5 reasons you should sell your damaged car to us

It’s hard enough trying to sell a car in perfect working order, never mind if the vehicle is plagued with faults. We know how difficult it can be to get rid of an unwanted car at Sell Your Problem Car ® so we decided to write this blog to outline the positives of our service.

  • You save money on advertising: Weigh up the cost of advertising your car in local papers, trade magazines or online sites. Bet your bottom dollar there’ll be fees involved at some stage of the process. You won’t find that at Sell Your Problem Car ®, all we do is give you a fair price for the vehicle and you don’t have to stump up any cash in advance.
  • You don’t have to deal with time wasters: One of the biggest pains of selling a car private is dealing with people that seem to want to make it their mission to waste as much of your time as possible. They’ll ring you to arrange viewings but never turn up on time, or if they do arrive at your home they’ll simply kick the tyres and walk away. Our service is fast, we won’t waste your time, give us a try and we’ll buy your car straight away.
  • You get a great price: People will try to knock you down on price when you sell your car privately. They’ll be cheeky, try their luck and test your patience, you’ll feel like you are giving your car away at times. We take a different approach at Sell Your Problem Car ®. Our offer gives you the true market value of the vehicle based on its condition.
  • It saves time: How long will you have to wait if you advertise your car privately? Our service is designed to get rid of your car in less than 48 hours. Don’t hang around, give us a call and we’ll soon take that car off your hands.
  • It removes a headache: The longer you are stuck with a car the more the headache builds. Find a fix for this by using our service, we’ll take any unwanted car as long as it’s under 10 years old.

Sell your damaged car in easy steps

We’ve covered a number of blogs about common faults found on specific makes of cars at Sell Your Problem Car ® and we have decided to give you extra support if you are experiencing problems with your vehicle. Our service is designed to be a customer-friendly as possible so we’ve written this guide to make it as easy as possible for you to get rid of your broken down car.

  • Get the car to a secure place: If the vehicle breaks down at the side of the road try to get it recovered as soon as you can. If you are a member of a breakdown association call them out, they’ll try to fix the vehicle at the roadside or if the fault is major, they’ll offer a relay service to take your car to a garage or your home address.
  • Get a quote for the work: See how much the repair is going cost, if the price is way above your budget or the car simply isn’t worth spending that type of money on, get in touch with our service.
  • Use our ‘Request a Quote’ form: Fill in our simple-to-use quote form and provide us with your details and the make, model and mileage of your car. Mention the fuel type, confirm the registration and ensure the car is under 10 years old. Give us an idea of the extent of the damage so we can give you the best quote for your car.
  • Email or call us: If you prefer an instant response why not call us instead? Speak to somebody in person and we’ll get the wheels moving right away.
  • Accept the quote: Our quotes are the best in the business and it’s the fastest way to get rid of your car, just accept our offer via email.
  • Have the money transferred: We can transfer cash straight into your account for the amount agreed.
  • Say goodbye to the car: We’ll collect your car the next day and you can start thinking about ways you are going to spend the money… Simple!